Wednesday, 4 November 2009

What's Hot and What's Not

Every week the amazingly talented Loobylu runs a What's Hot and What's Not section on her blog. I thought I'd join in the fun!

what's hot

1. Kristen Doran's lovely Advent Calendar kit. Must get one of those.

2. Wooden toys... especially those by miller goodman such as the clever (but expensive) Shapemaker. Isn't this just fabulous!

3. Promises from a five-year-old boy that he will ALWAYS want to cuddle his mummy.

4. A cool day after 40 degree heat.

what's not

1. Forty degree heat and trying to get children to sleep

2. Squabbling siblings

3. Being a chronic mess but preferring things to be tidy

why don't you join in the fun and add your thoughts!


Claire said...

The advent calendar is beautiful! It is reminding me that advent is just around the corner. Thank you for playing What's Hot + What's not this week! xx

Aussie-waffler said...

What a great advent calander. But advent calanders remind me of Christmas, which is coming upon us so quickly....arghh....*breathe, breathe*

Aussie-waffler said...

Oops, can't believe I just spelt calendar incorrectly....twice, see how stressed I become :)

Anonymous said...

I ask my 3yr old boy to remember to cuddle his mum when he is older.
I give my mum and dad and my in-laws a cuddle when we catch up, it's nice.
It's sad that some guys can grow up not knowing how to give someone a hug.
Chele x
P.S. the Miller Goodman toys look really good.

V for Violet said...

That's so sweet - I 'make' my 15 year old cuddle me still - I think it's good for him!! x