Friday, 27 November 2009

Smarties / Choc Chip Cookies

Our church is having a stall at the local village market tomorrow and we are selling cookies. (Or biscuits for those who believe cookie is a culturally imperialistic term indicative of the Americanisation of Australia. You know who you are. Tim.)

Anyway. cookies / biscuits. tomAto / tomato.

I thought I would share this super dooper recipe with you. I even remembered to take some pictures. Jake enjoyed helping. He can smell chocolate from the other end of the house and comes running to ensure he doesn't miss out.

Chocolate Chip cookies

180g salted butter
180g raw sugar
2 egg yolks
160g milk chocolate, chopped*
100g dark chocolate, chopped*
300g plain flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Cream butter and sugar until creamy. Add egg yolks. Fold in chocolate, flour, baking powder and vanilla.

Roll into balls and push down with fingers. Cover baking trays with baking paper and place biscuits a small way apart. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until just golden underneath.

* Chopped chocolate works better than choc bits.

Smartie variation

As above but add about 200g smarties by hand at the end otherwise the shell coating gets chipped. Save some of them for pushing into the top for an extra cool effect.


Di said...

It's uncanny how much Jake looks like you at the same age, Sarah. Absolutely uncanny! But I guess you're used to old folks telling you that :-))

Amy said...

I'm with Tim! I was also struck by how much Jake looks like you and I didn't know you when you were a little girl.